Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tagged again.

OK, I wandered over to ABFreedom's site and found out I have another meme to do! This one is easy, though.

What television sitcom character do you want to grow up to be?

Hmm... Thinking here. Uuuuumm... Still thinking...

OK, Lucy. I don't know why. Maybe 'cause she can get out of the craziest situations without a scratch? Yeah, that sounds good. :)

OK, who to tag, who to tag....

Alright, how about Stevin at ionetic, Gayle at My Republican Blog, and JB at A Voice For Freedom. Y'all consider yourselves tagged!

Here are the rules:

1.) Ask and answer the question, “What television sitcom character do you want to grow up to be?"

2.) Tag three people (And link their sites on your post.)

3.) Link and track back to the post that tagged you.
