Wednesday, January 04, 2006


That is the only word I can think of for this. This has nothing to do with politics, but I just had to post about it anyway.

"ST. LOUIS (AP) - For sale: One albino snake. Has two heads. Asking $150,000 or
best offer. The World Aquarium in St. Louis has been home to We, a one-of-a-kind
two-headed albino rat snake, since 1999. President Leonard Sonnenschein has
decided to sell the reptile, and bidding on will start at
Apparantly, this thing isn't Siamese twin snakes, it really is a single creature with two heads. "We" has a better chance of survival than most because

" . . .unlike some two-headed animals, both mouths are connected to the same
Creepy, if you ask me. So weird.
