Friday, November 02, 2007

Don't You Just Love This Culture?

Story Link

"Saudi author and cleric, "Dr." Muhammad Al-'Arifi, who in a remarkable segment broadcast on Saudi and Kuwaiti television in September, counseled young Muslim men on how to treat their wives.

"Admonish them – once, twice, three times, four times, ten times," he advised. "If this doesn't help, refuse to share their beds."

And if that doesn't work?

"Beat them," one of his three young advisees responded.

"That's right," Al-'Arifi said."

Oh, but read on; he has the decency to tell men not to beat their wives in the face and make them ugly.

It was said during the cold war (and I'm sure somebody out there knows the actual quote, but I couldn't find it) that the only difference between United States supported dictatorships and Soviet Union supported dictatorships is that some are our SOBs and some are theirs'. I think that's pretty fitting.
